Siapa Bapak Pendidikan Se-Dunia ?

September 28, 2010
Pernahkah Anda melihat foto disamping ? Dia adalah seorang Tokoh yang dalam hidupnya berkecimpung dalam dunia pendidikan. Apakah anda tahu tentang atau pernah mendengar tentang " Bapak Pendidikan Sedunia " ?. Mungkin jika anda mencari tau di Search Engine "GOOGLE" dengan mengetik Keywords="Bapak Pendidikan Sedunia" maka yang muncul paling banyak adalah "Bapak Pendidikan Pramuka Sedunia". Mengapa ? Hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena pendidikan masih di-No.2 kan di search engine Google., artinya bahwa Keywords="Bapak Pendidikan Sedunia " kurang dicari di Google, sehingga anda akan sulit menemukannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tidak banyak yang tahu tentang Bapak Pendidikan Sedunia*, sehingga hal ini menggelitik tangan penulis untuk mencari tau siapa Bapak Pendidikan Sedunia. Tidak ada sumber terkait dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk memperjelas tentang " Siapa Bapak Pendidikan Se-Dunia ini. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan Anda baca artikel kami dibawah ini. Artikel ini kami dapat dari berbagai sumber yakni :,- ,- dan

Tidak banyak orang yang tau tentang siapa sebenarnya Robert Muller. Pada kenyataannya, tidak ada penetapan terkait tentang siapa bapak pendidikan sedunia, namun hal ini telah dipublikasikan oleh UNESCO. Pada tahun 1989 , seorang Robert Muller, penerima Hadiah Pendidikan Perdamaian dari UNESCO bertajuk "World Core Curriculum", sebuah program pendidikan global, sehingga dari itu ia dikenal sebagai "Bapak dari pendidikan global."_sumber

Robert Muller (lahir 1923) mungkin paling terkenal karena perannya sebagai Asisten Sekretaris Jenderal PBB, atau mungkin untuk mendirikan dan mengembangkan Universitas Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Untuk Perdamaian ( United Nations University for Peace ) di Kosta Rika. Sebagai mantan Asisten Sekretaris Jenderal Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, pengaruh Muller di masyarakat internasional sangat mengesankan. Tidak mengherankan jika "World Core Curriculum" Muller dibahas di kalangan PBB sebagai alat pendidikan yang sungguh sangat bermanfaat bagi dunia.

Pada Konferensi DPI/NGO tahunan PBB ke-56 bulan September 2003 sebuah lokakarya menjelaskan bagaimana Muller "mengembangkan kurikulum inti untuk mengajar anak secara keseluruhan. Lokakarya ini membahas tentang kurikulum yang diperkenalkan oleh Muller termasuk kedalamnya yaitu mengenai kebersihan, pelatihan kejuruan, pemasaran, kewirausahaan, serta sebagai nilai dan budaya.

Di aktivitas "pensiun," University for Peace Dr Muller didirikan oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa di Kosta Rika . Dr Muller memusatkan usahanya untuk mempromosikan pemahaman manusia yang lebih besar tentang kesadaran global. Dia baru-baru ini menerima Hadiah Albert Schweitzer Internasional untuk Visi "Humaniora and Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Award" .

Dr Muller tinggal di pertanian kecil yang menghadap University for Peace, rumah tradisional Costa Rican Nya terletak tepat di atas bukit dari Monumen University for Peace . Selain tugasnya di Universitas, ia mencurahkan waktu untuk tulisan-tulisannya dan merupakan pembicara yang diakui dunia internasional multi-bahasa dan pengarang empat belas buku yang diterbitkan dalam berbagai bahasa.

Beberapa penghargaan dari Dunia Internasional kepada Dr. Robert Muller yang kami temukan. Di kopi paste langsung dari sumber terkait :

Doctorate of Law, summa cum laude, University of Strasbourg, France

Winner of the national essay contest award on world government by the French Association for the United Nations

Winner of a UN Internship in Geneva, Switzerland

Winner of a UN internship at the United Nations in Lake Success and hired by the UN in the professional category

Artisan of the creation of the UN Development Program and appointed Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Council

Appointed Assistant Secretary General and direct collaborator of three Secretaries General until his retirement in 1986

Sea Citizen Award by the Sea Citizens Organization, USA

Doctor honoris causa in Human Letters, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Published his first book, Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness, (Doubleday) followed by many othersChancellor Emeritus &

HIghest award from the Hopi Indians for having opened the door of the United Nations (the House of Mica) to their elders to deliver a prophecy concerning the future of the world. Award consisted of a feather from the top of the head of an eagle, i.e. closest to the Great Spirit. Received also the name of Kogyun Deyo, Spider Boy, with the task of making a vast spider web to catch in it all evil on Earth, and then throw it far away into the universe (task still uncompleted as of this date!)

John Roger Foundation International Integrity Award
Erkman-Chatnan Literary Prize for his international novel Sima, Mon Amour, France

His book New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality, received the World Gratitude Prize of the Thanksgiving Foundation in Dallas, Texas

Teilhard de Chardin Prize, Visionaries of World Peace, Wassenaar, Holland

Distinguished Recognition Award of the World Education Congress, San Francisco

First World Citizen Award, 1985 UN Medal of Peace, by the Communications Coordination Committee of NGO’s for the UN

Organized the 40th Anniversary of the UN, and was instrwnental in inviting Pope John Paul II to visit and address the General Assembly of the UN (re ceived Golden Cross Award)

Appointed by the Council (the governing body) of the University for Peace, in Costa Rica, as the University’s one-dollar-a-year Chancellor three days before his retirement from the United Nations

Grand Officier du Mérite Diplomatique de l’Institut des Relations diplomatiques, European Community, Belgium

Honorary Doctor of Humanities, Allentown College of St. Francis of Sales. USA
World Peace Award of the World Federalists of Canada
Veritas Medal of the Dominican College of Blauveld, USA
First Distinguished Service Award of the Pax Romana Foundation, USA
Zamenhof Award of the Universal Esperanto Association, Holland

Distinguished Service Award of the United Nations Associations of the USA•

Honorary Doctor of Humanities, United Church of Religious Science, Los Angeles, USA

Distinguished Service Award of the World Association of former United Nations Interns and Fellows

United Nations Golden Balloon Award of the World Children’s Day Foundation, Washington, DC, USA

Doctor of Divine Wisdom, The New Seminary Institute for Personal Religion, New York, USA

UNESCO Peace Education Prize for his World Core Curriculum and Robert Muller Schools

Music Therapist For Peace Award, New York, USA

Humanitarian Award of the International New Thought Alliance, USA

Faithkeeper Award of the US National Thanksgiving Commission Muller, Awards

Peace Ambassador Award by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Santa Barbara, USA

New World Academy Luminary, New World Academy, London, England

Recognition for contribution in the fight for a better world by the Acción Medica Cristiana de Managua, 3 November 1992

Invited to address the second UN Conference on the Environment in Rio de Janeiro

Appointed to the Costa Rica committee preparing for the Golden Anniversary of the United Nations

Tree planted in Costa Rica in honor of Robert Muller by Pax World Services, USA

Awarded the Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities

Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award

Fullerton College, Orange County, California, International Scholar Award

Awarded the 50th Anniversary Christopher’s Prize, USA

During the fiftieth anniversary of the UN in San Francisco, received certificate of deep affection and appreciation for his inspiration and dreams as Chairman of the first World People’s Assembly

Poverello Award of Mt. St. Clare College, Clinton, Iowa USA

Citizen of Planet Earth, by Citizens of Planet Earth Corporation, USA

Recognition for contribution to youth at the United Nations, being a vital cause, by Children of the Earth, UNICEF and the Bahai Community of Costa Rica

At the prompting of many of his friends, admirers and non-governmental organizations Robert Muller was candidate as a world citizen for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations

Minister of Divine Wisdom, Interfaith Seminary, USA

Sewa Chakra Award to Purushottam Robert Muller by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines

Certification of Appreciation by the Global Elementary Model United Nations, Dallas, Texas, USA

Global Understanding and World Peace Award by the Milwaukee Journal of Education Corporation~ USA

Appointed co-chainnan, with Dr. Karan Singh, (India) of a World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality

Honor Certificate to Robert Muller for his contribution to humanity by the Cumbre Mundial sobre la Paz y el Tiempo at the University for Peace

Honored as Life Member of the Association of Former International Civil Servants, United Nations

Light of God Expressing Award for Service beyond the Unity Movement by the Association of Unity Churches

The Global Peoples’ Assembly in Samoa in April 2000 honored him as Lifelong President of the Global Peoples’ Assembly

Heart of Humanity Award with his wife Barbara by the Regional Peoples’ Assembly

2002 World Citizenship Award by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation in Santa Barbara, California. Letter of corgratulat±on by Presdident Carter

University of Denver Award to Robert Muller in recognition for his struggle and thinking for the prommotion of UNIVERSAL PEACE

The GOI Peace Award 2003 by the GOI Peace Foundation in Tokyo (one million yen)
Dr. Muller has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Price 23 times. Those of us who cherish all that’s decent and fair for our human experience pray that he will be bestowed this greatest of honor in the very near future. We love you, Robert.

Catatan : apabila ada kesalahna tentang artikel ini mohon segera beri saran di kotak komentar aga Admin dapat memperbaikinya. Terima kasih.

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