Countries that have "No. 1 Education" in the world

February 06, 2010

Some time ago we talked about the Teaching Style Development. In the post this time we will learn about the quality of education in other countries. Sorry if my english writing is less precise, but I will try to discuss it.

Did you know which country the quality of education ranked first in the world? If you do not know, it's because many do not know that the first ranking for the quality of education is Finland. Quality of education in the country with the capital Helsinki, where a peace agreement with GAM negotiated, it was so extraordinary that the envy of all the teachers in the whole world.

Ranking I was obtained Finnish world based on the results of a comprehensive international survey in 2003 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The tests, known as the PISA for measuring student skills in the field of Science, Reading, and Mathematics. Remarkably, Finland not only excel academically but also demonstrate excellence in the education of children mentally weak. In summary, Finland managed to make all the smart students.

Then what is the key so that Finland became Top No. 1 world? In Finland education budget problems are a little higher than the state average in Europe but still inferior to other countries. Finland does not force the students to add the hours studying, extra homework burden, military discipline, or do very much with the various tests. In contrast, students in Finland start school at a rather slow compared with other countries, namely at the age of 7 years, and their school hours even less, which is only 3 hours a week. Compare with Korea, ranking second after Finnlandia, the students spend 50 hours a week. So what's the key? Apparently the key is located on teacher quality. Finnish teachers are virtually teachers with the best quality with the best training as well. Teaching profession itself is a highly respected profession, even though their salaries are not fantastic. The best high school graduates are actually apply for admission to schools of education and only 1 of 7 applicants to be accepted, the competition tougher than in the other prestigious faculties such as law and medicine!

Compare with Indonesia, which the teachers supplied by the students with the quality of crude and educated by the universities with improvised quality too. With good quality students and education and training high quality teachers who can not be wrong to then they can become teachers with high quality too. With these outcomes they are free to use any class method they like, with their engineering curriculum itself, and the text books of their own choosing. If other countries believe that the testing and evaluation for students is a very important part of quality education, they believed that the examination and testing is what destroyed the students' learning objectives. Too much testing makes us tend to teach students to pass the exam, said a teacher in Finland. Whereas many aspects of education that can not be measured by the test. At the age of 18 year old students to take exams to determine their qualifications in colleges and two-thirds of graduates go on to college.

Students are taught to evaluate themselves, even since the pre-kindergarten! Inimembantu students learn responsible for their own work, Sundstrom said, elementary school principal in Poikkilaakso, Finland. And if they are responsible they will bekeja more bebas.Guru not necessarily control them. Students are encouraged to work independently with their own trying to find the information they need. Students learn more when they find themselves the information they need. We do not learn anything if we live to write what was said by the teacher. Here, teachers do not teach with the lecture method, says Tuomas Siltala, one middle school student. School atmosphere is very relaxed and flexible. Too many command will only result in depression and learning becomes fun, he continued.

Students who later received intensive support. This is also what makes Finland a success. Based on the PISA findings, the schools in Finland is very little difference between students who do well and what is bad and is the best according to the OECD. Remedial is not considered a sign of failure but as an opportunity to improve. A teacher in charge of learning and behavior problems of students create an individual program for each student with emphasis on the objectives to be achieved, for instance: First, go to class; then arrive on time; next, bring a book, etc.. If you have PR students do not even need to answer correctly, the importance they tried.

The teachers are to avoid criticism of their students' work. According to them, if we say "You're wrong" on the students, then it will make students shy. And if they were ashamed of it would hamper their in learning. Each student is allowed to make mistakes. They only asked to compare their results with previous values, and not with other students. So there is no ranking system-rankingan. Each student is expected to be proud of her own. Class ranking only makes teachers focus on a specific handful of students who are considered best in its class. The greatness of the education system in Finland is a combination of high teacher competence, patience, tolerance and commitment to success through personal responsibility. If I failed in teaching a student, said a teacher, then it means there's something wrong with my teaching! Speech really very responsible teacher.

For the next post, we were put through a survey to find out who the OECD people with the best education in the year 2009

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